Monday, August 21, 2023

AI Is Changing the Workplace

Unlike many tech companies that are actively downsizing office space and waffling on RTO timing and policies, AI companies are seeing the need for physical office space to do their suddenly desirable work. 

Artificial intelligence could be the savior of the office building

The real estate services firm JLL estimates that by the end of 2023, AI companies will occupy 17.2 million square feet of office space across the country.  

Monday, August 14, 2023

Life Centricity: What It Is and How It Captures Growth Amid Uncertainty

According to Accenture, businesses today need to take a broader view that allows them to see customers in their full lives and adapt to their ever-changing needs and priorities. They call this life centricity.

A life-centric approach is built on understanding that people are multifaceted, and that they embrace their own complexity. It involves keeping a finger on the pulse of the external forces that impact modern life (whether economic, social, cultural or beyond) and finding ways to respond that create value for all. Companies with life-centric strategies are willing to make bold, creative changes to the heart of what they do, whether that means upending business models and internal operations or reimagining who their customers are.

Learn more about the 5 distinct and empirically-proven ways that companies on the path toward life centricity are capturing growth amid uncertainty.

Monday, August 07, 2023

Focus On Max of Two Growth Pillars At a Time

What separates the startups that succeed over those who fail? I am sure a lot of WPO members could tell you.

While the author of this article doesn't have a crystal ball to predict everyone’s futures, Martinez does have a wealth of stories and experience gained from his work scaling his company. 

He offers his top five growth lessons, with the aim to help you avoid making the same mistakes that he made early on while scaling a business from $0 to $1M ARR.