Monday, January 06, 2025

Strengthen Your People

To seize opportunities in an evolving global order, leaders will need to build geopolitical resilience by investing in three domains: insight, oversight, and foresight. There is, however, a fourth dimension that, without fail, arises in our [McKinsey's] discussions on geopolitical resilience with CEOs and board directors: people. The questions that come up include the following:

  • How should I talk to my employees about sensitive geopolitical topics?
  • How do I balance transparency with confidentiality around the work our company will not do in a market—a stance that, if it became known publicly, may jeopardize our organization’s operations, people, and reputation in that market?
  • How should I upgrade our processes, from employment background checks to internal controls on unauthorized access to data, amid growing stakeholder and regulatory expectations and requirements?
  • How can I strengthen unity within our organization and signal that we are committed to being global and inclusive in a changing world?

The question becomes:  How you plan to strengthen your people in 2025?

To learn more, access the entire article here.

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