Monday, May 20, 2024

Thought Leader Jim Collins Presents at the Women Presidents Organization Entrepreneurial Excellence Forum (EEF) in Colorado Springs

©2024 Laurel J. Delaney.  All rights reserved.
What a privilege to attend the Women Presidents Organization Entrepreneurial Excellence Forum (EEF) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I spent quality time with my Chicago members, listened to several amazing presentations, including one by thought leader Jim Collins (pictured), and connected with more than 700 women business owners who all aspire tremendous growth for their companies.
Our WPO CEO, Camille Burns, sums everything up nicely:
"As I head home from Colorado Springs, I’m reflecting on all the inspiring and extraordinary women who attended the #2024EEF. The collective energy, brilliance, and strength of these women from around the globe is truly unparalleled. Here's to the continued success and global impact of women business owners!"
Hear, hear!

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