Monday, April 03, 2023

Advice For a Young Lady Wanting to Become President (of the United States)

What will it take for a woman to obtain the highest office in the land?  in this case we are talking about becoming President of the United States and not President of your own business although I must say that President of your own business is a pretty tall order, too.  We know this to be true at the Women Presidents Organization.  If you want to be a Chief, you join WPO, it's that simple provided you run a multimillion dollar business.  Anything else that you join is subterfuge for the real thing.

But back to President of the United States.  While pundits debate Nikki Haley's chances, historian Alexis Coe looks back at a speech former President Gerald Ford gave to a group of children and wonders if he—and whole bunch of film and TV writers—was right all along.

In 1989 a bespectacled girl with a yellow ribbon in her hair asked Gerald Ford if he had any advice for a “young lady wanting to become president of the United States.” Ford didn’t recommend the best schools or list acts of service. He didn’t even answer her question, instead pivoting to a morbid prediction.

Read on to see what it was.

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