Monday, July 05, 2021

From a Fresh Idea to a Successful Company

As a 12-year-old, Kavita Shukla drank water believed to be contaminated. Because of her grandmother's quick homemade remedy, she didn't get sick. Since then, Shukla has devoted her life to figuring out why the remedy worked and how to replicate and advance its effects to mitigate world hunger.

She went on to receive a patent on her product, FreshPaper, a natural kitchen hack that keeps fruits and veggies fresh, and established her company, The Fresh Grow Company.  One of the questions asked of Shukla:

What advice do you have for those who want to bring their own big ideas to market?

I think putting my idea in the hands of people that could really use it and give me feedback and who shared it with others was transformative. So, I would encourage entrepreneurs and inventors to just take the first step and to share their ideas with the people that could benefit from them.

Read the entire inspiring interview here.

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