Monday, September 02, 2019

What's Your Victory Hour?

Do you have a particular hour when you wake up and feel more energized and productive?  Robin Sharma thinks we all do and the earlier we rise the better to find your victory hour.
I [Scott Bedgood] blazed through his [Robin Sharma's] newest book, The 5 AM Club, in a few days before speaking with him. Told in parable form, the story features four central characters: The Spellbinder, The Homeless Man/Billionaire, The Artist, and The Entrepreneur. Through the course of the book, the Artist and the Entrepreneur go through a complete life change due to the teachings of The Spellbinder and Billionaire characters. The main point of their lessons is, of course, that the two should get up at 5 a.m. and structure their days according to Sharma’s formulas.
For a lesson or two on how to exercise, reflect, and grow, study up on whether joining the 5 AM Club will change your life.

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