A couple of highlights on how to get started:
- First of all, listen.
- Do not be boring.
- A live version of a FAQ.
- Create a focus group.
- Soapbox for thinkers.
- Starting small is fine.
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With all of the downsizing and diminishing job opportunities, we are in a climate that cultivates an "every woman for herself" mentality. In these tough economic times, you can experience bad behavior from BOTH sexes. But there is some heartening news, women are helping women and are concentrating on a new type of networking. This panel will discuss alternatives to hiring a career coach like cultivating your own personal board of directors. Learn how convening individuals from past jobs and professional associations can bring a fresh perspective on individual strengths, values, goals and next steps.The Women Presidents' Organization Chicago is a proud partner of this empowering high-level women's program.
Moderator: Maria Bartiromo (pictured), Anchor, CNBC's "Closing Bell," Host and Managing Editor "The Wall Street Journal Report with Maria Bartiromo"
Panelists: Carol Bernick, Executive Chairman of the Board, Alberto Culver Company; Christy Carpenter, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, The Paley Center for Media; and, Michele Coleman Mayes, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer, Allstate Insurance Company
A new type of 21st century company is emerging that is transforming how business is conducted. These are values-driven companies that define a core set of values and rely on these values in making all strategic decisions. Such companies are transforming themselves, their industries, and the world.A snapshot of the key concepts includes: