Monday, August 18, 2008

News of Interest: 5th Annual WPO Chicago Summit Wins Gold Medal For Quality

Our 5th Annual WPO Chicago Summit and No-Host Dinner on August 14th was a huge success thanks to our two key sponsors, Harris and IBM, who generously underwrote our program content and continue to bring us greater insights and connections.

Summit speakers Susan Hed from IBM, Jack Stack from SRC Holdings Corporation and Holly Hunt from HOLLY HUNT, demonstrated how to become an influential leader, inspire employees to think and act like CEOs, and continue to build a business up to a thriving $120 million enterprise.

As we said in our program, everyday we face business challenges head-on and inspire others with a sense of hope and purpose. But on August 14th we asked that all attendees (largest turnout ever) kick back, relax, get to know someone they had never met before and brainstorm about how to use the knowledge they gained to develop themselves, their business, their community, and their world tomorrow. We are proud to say that everyone walked away renewed, refreshed and empowered, because they realize the best is yet to come.

Thank you all for attending. We value your membership and sponsorship. Without it, the Women Presidents’ Organization would not be where it is today.

And special thanks to our national sponsors who help to make the WPO program possible.

See you August 13, 2009 at our 6th Annual WPO Chicago Summit and No Host Dinner!

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