Gary's article in HBR, "The Why, What, and How of Management Innovation," is a available for purchase online.
I have to second it. The speakers and workshops were outstanding. My head is still reeling and I am once again reviewing all of my notes. They also did a great job with the food and logistics.
All the speakers were so terrific that I can't really say one was better than another! I'm really glad I did take notes!! And, the sequence of the speakers was terrific ... all the way to the end for banging the drums!
Hi all,More to follow. Stay tuned.
I am still reeling from all of the wonderful information the conference offered. It has been such a great decision to join WPO and the conference was well worth the trip. I met so many outstanding ladies – especially those from our three (3) chapters in Chicago!
Some of the things I was most impressed about were:
1. As a former speech teacher, I was so impressed with the common thread of the sessions. In every session I was in, the speaker mentioned another previous speaker’s words whether agreeing or disagreeing and added many good thoughts in as well. Out of all the conferences I have been to, I thought this was a special added bonus that spoke to our group and the enthusiasm the speaker’s clearly felt as well.
2. The quality of the speakers. I have been to conferences where I am reading a book because the sessions are so boring. This was definitely not the case.
3. How warmly I was welcomed and how warmly my mother, who is also my associate, was welcomed. In the opening session we were asked to stand with other mother/daughter teams and I thought that was just great. My mother, all teary-eyed, told me how much that meant to her!
Anyway, thanks to all who met me and I look forward to next year’s conference in Boston!
Kim Kleeman
Shakespeare Squared