Thursday, December 02, 2004

Entrepreneur magazine and other WPO Chicago chapter partners

We are pleased to add Entrepreneur magazine to our "national" WPO Chicago partner roster. Entrepreneur magazine is the definitive magazine for helping entrepreneurs and small businesses grow. But did you know this? They recently launched Exchange, the magzine for entrepreneurial women! I am so excited to learn about it and it fits in so nicely with the mission of WPO: Sharing ideas with some of the world's most successful women. If you cannot find a copy, let me know. Alternatively, check with the Women's Business Development Center in your area or look for it at an upcoming WPO or Women's Leadership Exchange event.

In addition to the folks at Entrepreneur magazine, we have added many other important organizations who are keen advocates of entrepreneurial women, including the Midwest Entrepreneurs' Forum, Women's Leadership Exchange and Women Entrepreneurs, Inc.

Keep a look out for more partners over the coming weeks. We are on a mission to let you and the world-at-large know more about the Women Presidents' Organization and its windy-city Chicago chapter.

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