Monday, December 17, 2018

The Final Mile Concept

The final mile concept -- the distance between a product or service’s final distribution outlet and its ultimate destination—is typically the most expensive and, in many cases, the most complex to solve.

And it isn’t limited to logistics, however. As Fast Company says:
Social platforms are also trying to figure out how to get their users to interact in person in order to strengthen bonds that were often initiated and developed digitally. And it isn’t only tech giants like Facebook and Pinterest that are interested in learning how to turn digital communities into analog ones. Companies including Lincoln are also looking at how technology can bring people together in the flesh. “Technology is a great connection enabler,” says Becca Anderson, client experience manager at Lincoln. “But I don’t think anything replaces the human, personal connection.
Read more about the final mile concept and the importance of bringing people together in flesh.

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