Friday, November 02, 2007

Article of Interest: Making Change

It isn't easy to manage change. That's true whether it be a change in a company's business, the way an organization is structured, people's responsibilities or compensation, or anything else that disturbs the status quo.

Among other things, an effective "change manager" has to know how to set up informal networks and delegate responsibilities, empowering people throughout the organization.

But perhaps the first step in managing change is to eliminate some common assumptions about the way change works. Here are eight of them:

1. Don't assume that individuals have a natural aptitude to adapt.
2. Don't assume that individuals will function rationally.
3. Don't assume that change is automatic.
4. Don't assume that organizations are naturally dynamic.
5. Don't assume that company culture is easy to change.
6. Don't assume that every aspect of the project will work out exactly as planned.
7. Don't assume the change manager can be effective without explicit authority.
8. Don't assume that anyone can improvise being a change manager.

To read the recommendations on steps companies should take to more effectively manage change, read the entire article here.

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